The Mustang Minute

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Introducing the Mustang Minute! The Mustang Minute is a student newspaper, written by students, for the MIS community! They share stories of all the exciting things on campus in hopes parents, alumni, and others who make up our One Community can read all about the happenings on campus! Led by the journalism students, they are excited to share the Mustang Minute with you! Give it a read!

Volume 1, Issue 1

In this edition, the Mustang Minute sheds light on the naming of the Business Program, updates from Athletics, the state of the Nature Lab, the Alumni Reunion as well as classroom updates!

Volume 1, Issue 2

In this Leap Year edition during Lent, the Mustang Minute explains the new Mission Statement for the school in hopes of better reflecting the values we hold. The Spring Show name was released and rehearsals are underway. There are many exciting things on campus so read more!

Volume 1, Issue 3

In this edition of the Mustang Minute, high school decisions were released as 8th grade prepares for their last weeks at MIS before graduation in May. The Mary Immaculate community invites members to the Legacy Circle Luncheon to learn about leaving an impactful legacy for future generations. Students are preparing for major Sacraments to continue their walk with Christ. Read more about it!